Saturday, July 21, 2012

Let's Unite To Help A Family In Need!

Nearly 5 months ago the Chapman's simple little life took a drastic turn.  On February 24th, Cory was diagnosed with cancer.  Cory and Debrah spent the next few weeks trying to mentally prepare for the journey that was ahead of them.   On March 13th, Cory started his first of 4 rounds of chemo and finished his last chemo treatment on May 29th.

A couple of days later, on June 1st, Cory was admitted to the hospital with difficulties breathing. After much testing, the doctors diagnosed Cory with Bleomycin Toxicity, a side affect from one of the chemo drugs.  

On June 28th, Cory was transferred to USC.  He was in and out of ICU, endured many test, treatments and procedures and fought with everything that he had.

On Thursday, July 19th, Cory lost his short battle with cancer.  He was a loving husband, incredible father and a wonderful man.


             Let's all pull together and help out this amazing family in their           greatest time of need!

Lia Sophia Jewelry, together with Kathy Martindelcampo and Erin Brown, are holding a fundraiser to help support Cory and Debrah.  A portion of the proceeds from this campaign will be donated to the Chapman Family.  So check out the website below and buy some amazing jewelry for an amazing cause!!

As an added bonus, Lia Sophia is offering an incredible sale... Buy any one item of jewelry and get TWO items at 50% off!!  This is a deal that is too good to pass up!

Thank you all for taking the time to check out the website, buy some jewelry and most importantly, SUPPORT THE CHAPMAN FAMILY!!!

If you would like to make a direct donation, please click "Donate" below.


*    Please be sure that when you place your Lia Sophia order    *

you enter Erin Brown as the Hostess.

This will ensure that the Chapman family gets the proceeds!!


**   Please have all orders placed by noon on Sunday, July 29th   **




If you have any questions regarding your order or donation,
please contact me at:

 If you would like to make a direct donation, click "Donate" below.